You are viewing the results for Fløya Vinterserie 2018. View the current results for Fløya Vinterserie 2022 here.

Reinen Idrettslag

Medals 2018:
(Slutspill A)
Reinen Idrettslag was one of 8 clubs from Norway that had teams playing during Fløya Vinterserie 2018. They participated with 7 teams in Gutter 11 (født 2008), Gutter 12 (født 2007), Gutter 13 (født 2006) and Gutter 14 (født 2005) respectively. The team in Gutter 14 (født 2005) made it to the the in Gruppespill, but lost it against Tromsø IL Gyl/Fag 2 by 0-6.

Reinen Idrettslag originates from Tromsø, which is the same city as where Fløya Vinterserie takes place. The area around TROMSØ does also provide 7 additional clubs participating during Fløya Vinterserie 2018 (Hamna Idrettslag, Tromsø IL, Skarp, IF, Kvaløya SK, Fløya, IF, TUIL Tromsdalen Fotball and Ulfstind, IL).

38 games played


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